Knicely Done: Jimmie "Go Go" Gomez Sunday Fun Day
At age 59, Jimmie Gomez is living up to his nickname "Go Go."
"I'm a big personality and it requires a lot of massaging," he said in an interview with WOWT 6 News. "That's why I surround myself with so many people."
On Sunday's Jimmie makes it a point to surround himself with family. He calls it Sunday Fun Day.
Ten months out of the year Jimmie and Precy, his wife of 38 years, host their five children, eleven grandchildren and family friends at Leavenworth Park on Sundays.
"I do the cooking," said Precy. "As grandma I make sure there's enough food."
Jimmie wasn't always motivated to spend quality time with his family. Shortly after he retired from the Navy he lost both of his parents.
"I think I kind of spiraled a little bit to doing things I shouldn't have done. Drugs that were marijuana turned into cocaine and then into doing meth and I just wasn't in a good place, I wasn't a good father. But I've now been clean for eleven years and one of the things that I wanted more than anything was to readdress what was important to me which was my family."
Part of the fun at the family gatherings is a spirited game of volleyball.
"We're not competitive we just have fun as a family. We like to act like we're good, but we're not."
Add wiffle ball, scooters, swing sets and conversation to the mix and you have a picture of the Gomez Sunday Fun Day.
"The pay off for me is I never felt better in my life," said Jimmie. "I know that I"m doing the right thing, that I'm hopefully setting an example, that it's not too late for my kids. But no matter what it's important to the grandchildren. And again it's all of our friends, I think that they see that we're a community that wants to be involved."
Knicely Done!