Knicely Done: Bright lights at Logan-Magnolia
It's not a typical journalism class at Logan-Magnolia High School in Logan, Iowa.
"It started as a journalism class but it's turned now into a media telling class," said teacher Ben Tompkins. "It tries to encompass all the different ways we report on stories and tell stories."
The school has it's own studio located next to the library. Inside is some high quality broadcasting equipment.
"We were fortunate to received a generous grant from the Jimmy King foundation and a lot of money has been allocated to this project," said Tompkins.
There are many assignments in producing a video and the students are able to test their skills at a variety of jobs.
"Kids should be able to walk into a potential career with that know how," said Tompkins.
The projects range from a news broadcast covering activities at the school, to elaborate musical productions that have been used to welcome students to the first day of school and to announce snow days.
"These students are already involved in so many activities," said teacher Bailey Krueger. "To me, that's the number one way you can tell a kid is genuinely interested and passionate about something, it's their ability to commit to that time outside of school hours. "
From the student's perspective, the fun is not only in creating the videos, it's watching audience reaction.
"Overall, they just really enjoy all the videos that we do," said junior Jordon Armstrong."
Senior Clayton Ross agrees. "It's cool to put all types of people together to put one production on. It's really great to see."
Knicely Done!