Knicely Done: 106 years and counting
When Olive Olson was born in 1913, Woodrow Wilson was President of the United States.
Now 106 years later Olive has just celebrated another birthday.
"I'm just glad to be alive," she chuckled in an interview with WOWT 6 News.
Olive now lives at Compassionate Memory Care House in Omaha where all of her needs are handled. She actually moved out of her house at age 100 because she fell and broke several bones.
"She also drove a car until age 96," added her granddaughter Pam Chronkhite. "She has 18 great children and 15 great, great grandchildren."
A number of family members were on hand Thursday night to celebrate Olive's birthday. She understood there would be presents and made a special request for shoes and was delighted to receive a new pair of slippers..
"This is your cake," said Pam Cronkhite, Olive's granddaughter. "Isn't it pretty with the butterfly?"
"What kind is it?" asked Olive as she looked at the cake up close.
"Pink champaigne," replied Pam. "Do you like it?"
"Yes!" said Olive.
Shortly after, the crowd of about twenty lined up for a rousing rendition of happy birthday followed by heartfelt applause. A fitting tribute to Nebraska's newest 106 year old.
Knicely Done!