CWS 2019: More than just a fan – Knicely Done
Pat Rowe should have known when her now husband, Dick, asked her out on a date when they were teenagers.
"I took her to a baseball game," Dick explained in an interview with WOWT 6 News. "I knew she liked sports so she knew she would have to like baseball to stick around with me because I went to all baseball games."
They're both in their 70's now, still together and still going to baseball games, especially College World Series games.
"I finally got season tickets after spending years on the wait list," said Dick. "And before that, I bought a friend's season tickets every year for about ten years. So we've had reserve seats for about forty years ."
Dick doesn't just attend CWS games, he fills out a scorebook like the official scorekeeper does in the press box.
"From 1991 until present day, I've only missed about 5 complete ball games at Rosenblatt and TD Ameritrade," he said as he shuffled through a pile of old scorebooks on his lap.
To show me just how meticulous his records are, Dick found the scorebook for the Championship game at Rosenblatt in 1993.
"This is Todd Walker who batted fourth for LSU," he said. "In the first inning, he hit a home run to right field with a count of one ball and two strikes. LSU won the game and he was named Most Valuable Player."
Dick has an extensive collection of memorabilia including a jar of dirt from the old pitching mound at Rosenblatt. There are so many items his wife Pat decided to take action.
"Every year he buys new T-shirts so I emptied some dresser drawers to make a king size quilt," she said. "It covers ten years of the College World Series and I gave it to him for Christmas."
Pat will go to some of the games during the upcoming 2019 CWS and she's learned how to measure her words so her husband isn't distracted from his self-assigned scorekeeping duties.
It's Dick's time of year.
"It's something that I really enjoy, I love the game of baseball!"
Knicely Done!