Annual Berkshire Hathaway shareholders weekend draws thousands to Omaha
OMAHA, Neb. (WOWT) - Fully booked hotels and restaurant reservations in Downtown Omaha means one of two things; it’s the College World Series, or Berkshire Hathaway weekend. Right now, it’s the latter.
Saturday, thousands from around the country and world poured into Omaha’s CHI Health Center.
“It’s been a neat experience, I’d recommend it to anyone who has the opportunity,” says James McCurdy of Nebraska.
For some, like McCurdy, it’s their first time at the annual shareholder’s meeting and event.
“We decided to come up, take advantage of it, and this place is like a circus,” McCurdy says. “I used to go to a lot of rock concerts back in the day, and this is, like, twice the size of a rock concert.”
Others in attendance are seasoned vets.
“I think probably 12,″ says Dick Ludwig when talking about how many times he’s come for the event.
For shareholders like Ludwig, it’s not just about the spectacle. They come with a purpose.
“It sort of reinforces my trust in how our system works and particularly how common sense investing is inherently successful.”
Saturday is the day that many shareholders hope to ask Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger questions during a massive Q&A session. Others simply listen and take in the billionaires’ knowledge and experience.
“A lot of people were really concerned about the bank closures and things like that,” says McCurdy. “[Warren] was explaining to us what their philosophy is on how they got money to back them, that they don’t, you know, borrow money to make their company grow, that they always use their money, how they reinvest the dividends into the company instead of giving it back to the shareholders.”
When it comes to their own businesses, attendees say the message is quite simple.
“Just keep on making it and saving it. Don’t waste it, that’s basically it,” says Curt Hodson, from Texas.
EXCLUSIVE: Buffett talks philanthropy, artificial intelligence
6 News sat down with the revered financier ahead of Berkshire Hathaway’s annual shareholders meeting and weekend events.
Shareholders make time to glimpse Warren Buffett’s Omaha home
For many visiting Omaha this weekend, Berkshire Hathaway’s annual shareholders’ meeting has turned the city into a bit of a pilgrimage.
Berkshire Weekend is a weekend well spent for thousands of shareholders and business owners.
“Well, it’s just a great melting pot, there are people here from all over the world, and the conversations at all of these shops and so forth have been just fascinating,” says Ludwig.
They’re walking away with souvenirs, experiences, and more knowledge and insight.
“This is pretty much basic old-fashioned business,” Hodson adds. “Make it, save it, Make it, save it. Reinvest. If you do that with your life, you’ll have plenty of money.”
Doors will open at the CHI Health Center at 7 a.m. Saturday. Buffett and Charlie Munger will conduct a question-and-answer session around 9 a.m. CNBC will also livestream the event.
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