Thursday Jan. 12 COVID-19 update: 4 deaths in Douglas County
(WOWT) - Below are today’s updates from data reports on new cases and other COVID-19 stats reported by health officials across Nebraska and western Iowa.
Keep scrolling to find a vaccination clinic near you.
Nebraska data snapshot
The Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services provides COVID-19 data updates generally each week via its Respiratory Illness Dashboard, found on the Nebraska Public Health Atlas. That dashboard does not include data on COVID-19 hospitalizations or deaths, hospital capacity, or vaccinations.
DEATHS: According to the CDC data tracker, seven COVID-19 deaths were reported the week ending Wednesday. That’s down from 38 COVID-19 deaths reported the week prior.
The state has reported 4,730 COVID-19 deaths to date.
CASES: Data from CDC showed that 1,486 positive cases were reported in the week ending Wednesday, up from 1,420 cases reported the week prior. The most positive COVID-19 cases reported in a single week was 32,573 cases the week ending Jan. 19, 2022. Recent spikes were much lower: 3,885 cases the week ending Dec. 21 and 3,616 cases the week ending Dec. 7.
The state has reported a total of 558,003 cases as of Wednesday. In that same timeframe, CDC data shows that Nebraska was reporting 28,846.2 cases per 100,000 people.
POSITIVITY: Testing numbers across the state continued to decline. The week ending Jan. 7 showed 11,692 tests conducted — about 3,000 fewer than the previous week. In the same time period, positivity rates fell slightly from an adjusted 10.1% to 9.9% — slightly higher than the same time in 2021, but much lower than this time last year.
About a month ago, it was 12.2%; two months ago, it was 12.7%. The highest recorded positivity rates during the course of the COVID-19 pandemic have been 23.2% at the end of April 2020 and 23.4% in mid-January 2022.
HOSPITALIZATIONS: As of Wednesday, hospitals across the state were caring for 210 COVID-19 patients, down from 219 the week prior. A month ago, there were 255. The highest number of COVID-19 patients was 962 reported on Nov. 25, 2020. There were another lower spike — 742 patients — reported on Feb. 2, 2022.
Update on local flu & RSV trends
Influenza numbers, also available on the dashboard, continued to decline in the past week, as did the number of tests conducted. The positivity rate as of Jan. 7 was 15.8% among 4,676 tests, down from an adjusted 23.4% among 5,605 tests the week prior. That trend was opposite the year prior, when more than 11,600 tests showed a 5.2% positivity rate.
RSV numbers showed a slight decline. RSV positivity fell from 7.1% to 6.4% in the past week among a decreasing number of tests. Last week, 2,989 tests were conducted compared to 3,667 tests conducted the week before.
Pottawattamie County data snapshot
The following information is from data dated Tuesday on the Iowa Department of Public Health website, which no longer includes hospitalization and hospital capacity data.
DEATHS: The IDPH website indicates the county’s COVID-19 pandemic death toll remains at 348 people. The health department does not provide any demographic information or vaccination status for COVID-19 deaths.
The website also shows the pandemic death toll for all of Iowa is 10,508 people, an increase of 85 people in the past week.
CASES: According to IDPH data, the county’s pandemic totals are at 32,595 positive tests, an increase of 79 tests since last week; and 27,703 cases, an increase of 46 cases since last week.
According to the CDC data tracker, 46 new cases were reported in the week ending Wednesday.
The website also shows that the average per 100,000 people in the county is 70.8, down from 87 cases; and that 66 positive tests were reported in the past seven days.
CDC data showed that transmission is low in Pottawattamie County; but no positivity rate data has been updated since mid-January 2022.
HOSPITALIZATIONS: The CDC data as of Tuesday shows seven patients with COVID-19 have been admitted in the past week. The data also shows 6.1% of hospitalized patients have COVID-19, and 2.3% of ICU patients have COVID-19.
VACCINATIONS: The most recent data available from the CDC shows 60.6% of the population is vaccinated, with 50,627 people receiving their updated bivalent booster doses.
Douglas County update
The Douglas County Health Department reports COVID-19 data twice weekly, issuing updated stats on Mondays and Thursdays.
DEATHS: The local health department reported four COVID-19 deaths on Thursday.
“Three men and a woman, all of them over 70 years of age, have died. One of the men had never been vaccinated,” the DCHD release states.
Douglas County’s COVID-19 death toll now stands at 1,259 people.
CASES: DCHD reported Thursday that 168 new COVID-19 cases had been confirmed since Monday’s report.
The most recent case numbers lowered the seven-day average from 64 cases back down to 59, the lowest it’s been in about two months. The DCHD dashboard indicated the rolling seven-day average per 100,000 people was at 71.9 cases as of Wednesday, up from 77.9 reported last week. A year ago, DCHD was reporting that level was at its pandemic record-high of 2,023.4 cases.
The latest recent cases bring the local pandemic total to 178,854 cases. The Douglas County COVID-19 dashboard also indicates that the number of reinfections for a rotating seven days ending Saturday was 80 cases, down from 118 reported in late December.
POSITIVITY RATE: The DCHD dashboard on Tuesday indicated the community level remained at “low.”
The DCHD COVID-19 dashboard indicates the local positivity rate fell from 13% as of Saturday to 11.7%, compared to 18.1% two weeks ago. That percentage comes from a total of 4,020 tests processed, about the same as the number of tests recorded last week but about 2,000 fewer than two weeks ago.
About a month ago, positivity was 14.8%; about two months ago, it was 10.6%. About a year ago, it was 25.5%.
HOSPITALIZATIONS: As of Wednesday, area hospitals were still caring for 138 adult COVID-19 patients. Of the current patients, four were in pediatrics, 12 adults were in ICUs, and three patients were on ventilators.
Additionally, two adult patients were awaiting the results of a COVID-19 test.
A year ago, DCHD was reporting 395 area COVID-19 hospitalizations.
HOSPITAL CAPACITY: Area hospital capacity fluctuates according to staffing levels. As of Wednesday, hospitals were 87% full with 234 beds available, down slightly from 239 reported Monday. Area ICUs were 94% full with 17 beds available, up two from Monday. Pediatric ICUs were 73% full with 12 beds available, down one from Monday’s report. A year ago, local hospitals were 89% full with 159 beds available; ICUs were 94% full with 17 beds available; and pediatric ICUs were 83% full with 23 beds available.
VACCINATIONS: The data on the DCHD dashboard showed a slight increase in vaccination data. To date, 10,844 pediatric doses — for ages 6 months to 4 years — have been administered in the county, resulting in 10.8% of Douglas County children in that age group being fully vaccinated.
Vaccination numbers among other age groups also increased slightly: 68.9% of all Douglas County residents are vaccinated with 61.9% of eligible residents, ages 12 and older, receiving their booster or additional doses. Of youth ages 5-11, 42.7% are vaccinated; and 70.5% of county youth ages 12-17 are fully vaccinated.
Retail pharmacies
Vaccine sign-ups: Baker’s | CVS | Hy-Vee | Kohll’s | Kubat | Medicine Man Pharmacy | Sam’s Club | ViaRx | Walmart
Douglas County
Douglas County Health Department has a list of all available COVID-19 vaccination clinics on its website. All clinics are open to the public for any approved shot in the vaccination series as indicated. Those planning to get a booster shot should bring their vaccination card.
9 a.m.-3 p.m. at the Douglas County Health Department, located at 1111 S. 41st St. – Primary & bivalent doses for ages 6 months and older; flu vaccinations also available
About Text Nebraska
The Douglas County Health Department is encouraging residents who test positive for COVID-19 to cooperate with Text Nebraska in order to help prevent further spread of the virus.
If you are age 19 or older, have recently tested positive for COVID-19, and provided a cell number when registering for your test, you will likely receive a text message from the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services phone number 1-844-774-7604 that prompts you to take a survey. Adding that number to your phone’s directory will assure that your phone or provider doesn’t mark it as a spam call.
“It is not spam and is safe to respond,” DCHD said in a Thursday news release, noting that the survey is completely digital and doesn’t require you to speak with anyone.
“Text Nebraska is the next step in contact tracing, and this is where you can help,” Health Director Dr. Lindsay Huse said in the release. “Your response is needed as the number of cases makes it impossible for our staff to keep up with the demand.”
Did you take an at-home test?
Self-report your at-home test result
Fill out the Douglas County Health Department form to assist with virus activity data and contact tracing.
Report home test results
Douglas County Health Department on Monday urged residents to report the results of their home COVID-19 tests to them online at
“Look for the blue box labeled ‘Report A COVID-19 Home Test,’ then follow the instructions,” the health department requests.
In-home appointments
DCHD is helping those homebound to get vaccinated, scheduling in-home appointments for all three adult vaccination varieties, for any shot in the series.
To arrange this, call the DCHD information helpline at 402-444-3400.
OneWorld child vaccination clinics
OneWorld offers COVID-19 vaccinations and boosters for ages 5 and older at the following clinics:
- In south Omaha at the Livestock Building, located at 4920 S. 30th St.
- In Bellevue, at 2207 Georgia Ave.
- In northwest Omaha, at 4229 N. 90th St.
- In Plattsmouth, at 122 S. Sixth St.
Walk-ins are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis; or you can call 402-734-4110 to make an appointment.
Children’s Hospital
Children’s Hospital offers COVID-19 vaccinations for its patients via Children’s Connect Health Portal.
“Families of non-Children’s patients can schedule by calling 402-955-SHOT,” according to the hospital’s website.
Nebraska Medicine
Nebraska Medicine is offering COVID-19 vaccinations at clinics in several retail pharmacies and health centers around the Omaha-metro.
NebMed will provide vaccinations by appointment at:
- Eagle Run Health Center, located at 132nd Street and West Maple Road
- Fontenelle Health Center, located at 50th Street and Ames Avenue
- Girls Inc. Health Center, located at 45th Street and West Maple Road
- Old Market Health Center, located at 13th and Leavenworth streets
- Village Pointe Health Center, located at 175th and Burke streets
For those looking for walk-in appointments, Pfizer vaccinations will be available at these outpatient pharmacies:
- Bellevue Health Center, located at 25th Street and Highway 370, will offer vaccinations from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday; and from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Saturdays
- Durham Outpatient Center, located at 45th and Emile streets, will offer vaccinations from 8 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. weekdays; and from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on the weekends
Novavax vaccinations are available at these outpatient pharmacies:
- Lauritzen Outpatient Center, located at 40th and Leavenworth streets, from 8 a.m.-5 p.m. weekdays
- UNL Health Center, located at 550 N. 19th St. in Lincoln, from 8 a.m.-5 p.m. weekdays and 9 a.m.-noon
Pfizer vaccinations for children ages 6-12 are available at Lauritzen Outpatient Center, located at 40th and Leavenworth streets, from 8 a.m.-5 p.m. weekdays.
Around Omaha
SOUTH OMAHA: Testing and vaccinations are available at OneWorld, located at 4920 S. 30th St. Call 402-734-4110 to make an appointment for vaccinating anyone age 12 and older.
CHARLES DREW HEALTH CENTER: Call 402-451-3553 to schedule an appointment.
CHURCH CLINIC: Metropolitan Community Church of Omaha hosts walk-in COVID-19 vaccination clinics periodically on Saturdays. No ID is required, but a parent or guardian must be present at the clinic with teens ages 12-18. The church also distributes at-home test kits.
MCC FORT OMAHA: Metropolitan Community College’s Fort Omaha campus is located at 5300 N. 30th St. Appointments will be made through the county’s vaccination registry.
TOTAL WELLNESS: DCHD has been working with Total Wellness, located at 9320 H Court, to establish regular vaccination clinics on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
VETERANS: Any eligible veterans can obtain COVID-19 vaccinations or boosters at the Omaha VA Medical Center’s COVID-19 vaccination clinics by appointment only. Appointments can be scheduled online.
Sarpy/Cass health district
The Sarpy/Cass Health Department offers the first and second doses of Pfizer and Modern vaccines, Johnson & Johnson (Janssen) single doses, pediatric and infant doses, and booster doses of all three vaccines.
To make an appointment, call 833-998-2275 or 531-249-1873.
The health department offers immunization clinics at Midlands Medical Building One, located at 11109 S 84th St, Suite 1820, in Papillion, NE 68046
- 4-7 p.m. on the first Thursday of the month
- 9 a.m.-noon on the second, third, and fourth Thursdays of the month
Pottawattamie County
The Pottawattamie County Public Health Department no longer hosts COVID-19 vaccination clinics, instead urging residents to receive their shots at area pharmacies.
Free take-home test kits are available at:
- Pottawattamie County Public Health Department office, located at 600 S. Fourth St., Suite 100, in Council Bluffs
- All Care Health Center, located at 902 S. Sixth St. in Council Bluffs
- Super Saver Pharmacy, located at 1411 N Broadway in Council Bluffs
- CHI Health Clinics
- Methodist Health Clinics
- Avoca Journal-Herald Newspaper
- City Halls in Carson, Carter Lake, Macedonia, Oakland, Treynor, Underwood, and Walnut
Three Rivers health district
Three Rivers Public Health Department provides COVID-19 vaccinations during its regular walk-in clinic hours. While the health department does have access to Pfizer and Moderna doses, it’s recommended that you call ahead to make sure they have a current stock of the vaccine formula you’re looking for.
The health department suggests you print and fill out paperwork ahead of your arrival.
Vaccinations are offered during the following Fremont clinic hours at 2400 N. Lincoln Ave.:
- 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Mondays-Wednesdays
- 8-11:30 a.m. and 1-6:30 p.m. Thursdays
- 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Fridays
The Three Rivers clinic, located at 1320 E. 31st St. across from Lake Wanahoo, is open to walk-ins from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on the first and third Mondays of the month.
Off-line help
METHODIST HEALTH INFORMATION: The vaccine is available at most Methodist Physicians Clinic locations. Appointments for the vaccine are recommended and can be made by calling 402-354-CARE.
NEBRASKA VACCINE HOTLINE: Nebraskans can call 531-249-1873 or toll-free at 833-998-2275 for more information on the state’s COVID-19 vaccination process and to get assistance with signing up for a vaccination appointment.
DOUGLAS COUNTY HELPLINE: Local COVID-19 information, in Spanish and English, is available from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. weekdays, except for holidays. Call 402-444-3400 for assistance.
IOWA VACCINE HOTLINE: Iowans who need help to find a vaccine appointment can call 211 for assistance or 1-800-244-7431. Older or home-bound Iowans can contact Connections Area Agency on Aging at 712-328-2540 or 1-800-432-9209. For multilingual assistance, call 1-877-558-2609.
NATIONAL HOTLINE: To check vaccine availability in your community, call the national COVID-19 hotline at 1-800-232-0233.
Resource links
Where to get a test: Douglas County
Vaccine sign-up: Douglas County | Sarpy/Cass | Three Rivers | Nebraska
Vaccinations at hospitals: Nebraska Medicine | Methodist Health System | Children’s Hospital
Retail pharmacy vaccine sign-ups: Hy-Vee | Walmart | Sam’s Club | Baker’s | Kohll’s | CVS | Kubat
Vaccine information: Douglas County | Douglas County clinics | Nebraska || Iowa | Pottawattamie County | Mills County | Fremont County
COVID-19 dashboards: Douglas County | Sarpy County | Three Rivers Health District | Lancaster County | Bryan Health | Nebraska | Iowa | Worldwide
COVID-19 risk dials: Douglas County | Lincoln-Lancaster County quick search: COVID-19 | Coronavirus | Vaccine
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