Sarpy County mails ballots for Papillion-La Vista Community Schools bond election
PAPILLION, Neb. (WOWT) - Sarpy County voters are asked to watch their mailboxes.
Papillion-La Vista Community Schools will hold a school bond election on Tuesday, May 9. The election is being conducted entirely through the mail, so no polling places will be open.
The Sarpy County Election Commission says about 41,500 ballots have been mailed out to voters within the district. Ballots are mailed in Kraft envelopes, and a return envelope is included with the ballot. Voters must sign the back of the return envelope to ensure their vote is counted.
Ballots must be mailed to the Sarpy County Election Commission in Papillion or placed in an official drop box no later than May 9 at 5 p.m. If returning by mail, the U.S. Postal Service recommends mailing ballots in by May 2 to allow for processing time.
Four drop boxes are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week with no postage required.
- 1102 E. 1st Street, Papillion, at the Sarpy County 1102 building. Two drop boxes are located here -- one at the west doors, and another at the northwest corner of the parking lot.
- 1248 Golden Gate Drive, Papillion, in the parking lot of the Sarpy County Courthouse.
- 7701 S. 96th Street, La Vista, in the La Vista Police Department’s parking lot.
Voters can check with the state’s website to see if their ballot was accepted or rejected. If necessary, replacement ballots can be issued at the Election Commission’s office until 5 p.m. on May 9.
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